Howard Butler

Bespoke Furniture

Howard Butler

Skateboard Unit

Commission, UNIT

A shelving unit made using a skateboard, and traditional cabinet making methods.


The skateboard is wall mounted within the wheels. No visible fixings, adding to the simplistic design.


Shape and Form

Ideal for your phone, wallet, or hang your keys in the hall way. Or use it for your bathroom mirror and aftershaves, or bedside for your alarm clock.



Selecting the right material for a Howard Butler piece is an essential part of developing it’s character. Knowing not only how it will look aesthetically today but how it will age and strengthen over time. Each HB creation also comes with a guide on how to keep it fresh and last a lifetime.


Wenge / Maple

“Underneath the shelf the drawer is constructed using hand cut dovetails, and features a clear drawer bottom. Giving the illusion of floating objects.”

“Perfection is all in the execution”